Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Hi! I'm Jennifer Partridge an artist in Raleigh NC and I need to move forward.  I'm starting this blog because I find being accountable via public scrutiny very effective.
The goal of this project is to introduce an artist a month. These introductions will include samples of the artist work, a short interview, and a how-to segment.  I will be beginning with myself in October. Whoo just writing that make me feel like I'm going to implode with anxiety.

P.S....Ok my original plan was to include a photo of myself with my first post...oh how funny haha my life is. You would think being a professional photographer taking a self-portrait would be relatively easy...well apparently not. I have requested the help of my friends only to find we have so much fun together we forget to take my dang photo...well hopefully before I'm done editing my video the photo will happen.